Friday, February 18, 2011

Some diff ways to use PIGMENTS!!

HEY EVERYBODY!! I decided to make a really quick video for you guys today. Its on pigments and diff ways to use them!! Hope its helpful for you

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pretty simple

So my aunt asked me to do a video for those who wear very lil makeup and whom like to wear neutral colors. so this was very hard for me since i like to glam things up lol. but here it is

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ways to clean your makeup brushes

so i made a really quick video on how i clean my brushes. thats it lol

makeup for eye glasses

Hey everyone. sooo since i have started back wearing glasses, i decided to do a video for those who wear glasses and would like to wear makeup with them but dont know how. so i hope this is helpful for you!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

my crazy look for today

hey everyone!!!
i decided to do something a lil fun. mixed a lil yellow, with purple and red and blue. imma rock this look today!! lol. hope you like it

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Omg! Must have

Hey ppl. I came across this amazing product. I wanted to share this with you. The name of the site that I describe in the video is! Check out out
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

hey everybody!!! this is my version of a classic pinup look!!! sorry its in 2 parts. tech difficulties!!